To drill a quality hole in composite material, you need to have good basic drilling knowledge and skills.  

Estimated completion time (hours): 1.


By the end of this course, you will be able to do the following:

  • List some qualities of composite material
  • Understand the hazards of working with composite materials
  • Define a quality hole
  • Understand how to drill a quality hole in composite material
  • Recognize some common hole defects that occur in composite materials
Language: English
Estimate Time (Hrs.): 1.6

Before holes are drilled into this composite assembly, their locations must be marked. 

Estimated completion time (hours): 1.0


By the end of this course, you will be able to 

  • Recognize hole location information on an engineering drawing
  • Explain where to find the tools and other supplies needed to create an assembly
  • Properly measure and mark hole locations in this assembly
Language: English
Estimate Time (Hrs.): 1

Pilot holes are typically the first holes drilled in an assembly. A quality hole starts with a properly located pilot hole created using correct drilling practices. In this course, you will be shown how to drill pilot holes in a composite assembly.

Estimated completion time (hours): 0.8


By the end of this course, you will be able to do the following: 

  • Properly secure the assembly in the vise
  • Install a pilot bit in a drill motor
  • Drill pilot holes into an assembly

Language: English
Estimate Time (Hrs.): 0.8

After the pilot holes are drilled in rows JD1, JD2, and JD4 through JD6, drill the pilot holes in row JD3 and then enlarge the holes to size.

Estimated completion time (hours): 0.9


By the end of this course, you will be able to do the following:

  • Drill and enlarge the holes in row JD3 of the composite assembly
Language: English
Estimate Time (Hrs.): 0.9

Once row JD3 is enlarged, drill and enlarge the holes in row JD7.

Estimated completion time (hours): 0.9


By the end of this course, you will be able to do the following:

  • Drill and enlarge the holes in row JD7 of the composite assembly

Language: English
Estimate Time (Hrs.): 0.9

Once row JD7 is enlarged, enlarge the remaining rows of holes, beginning with row JD1.

Estimated completion time (hours): 0.8


By the end of this course, you will be able to do the following:

  • Enlarge the holes in rows JD1 and JD5 of the composite assembly

Language: English
Estimate Time (Hrs.): 0.8

After drilling and enlarging rows JD1 and JD5, enlarge rows JD2 and JD6.

Estimated completion time (hours): 1.0


By the end of this course, you will be able to do the following:

  • Enlarge the holes in rows JD2 and JD6 of the composite assembly 

Language: English
Estimate Time (Hrs.): 1

After drilling and enlarging all the other rows of holes in the assembly, enlarge the holes in JD4.

Estimated completion time (hours): 0.8


By the end of this course, you will be able to do the following: 

  • Enlarge the holes in row JD4 of the composite assembly

Language: English
Estimate Time (Hrs.): 0.8