The inspection of a composite part is critical to ensuring the part meets its design requirements. This course introduces the different inspection techniques and the terms used in inspection of composite parts.
Estimated completion time (hours): 1.5
By the end of this course, you will be able to do the following:
- Understand the difference between destructive and nondestructive testing
- Understand the difference between discontinuities, indications, flaws, and defects
- List common flaws and defects of composite parts
- List common nondestructive tests used with composite parts
- Distinguish between qualified and certified NDE technicians
- Understand the responsibilities of the different levels of NDE technicians
Visual inspection of a composite part is typically the first and most basic method of inspection because if a product looks bad, it probably is bad, and no further inspection may be needed.
Estimated completion time (hours): 1.0
By the end of this course, you will be able to do the following:
- List equipment used in visual inspections
- List requirements of a visual inspection
- List common defects of composite parts that can and cannot be detected in a visual inspection
Ultrasonic inspection is a nondestructive inspection method that uses vibrations to detect internal defects in a composite part.
Estimated completion time (hours): 0.9
By the end of this course, you will be able to do the following:
- Define ultrasonic inspection
- List common components of ultrasonic equipment
- List requirements of an ultrasonic inspection
- List common defects of composite parts that can and cannot be detected in an ultrasonic inspection
- List common formats displayed by ultrasonic equipment
Tap inspection is the simplest method of detecting subsurface defects in a composite part. Understanding the process of a tap inspection is important information for technicians manufacturing or repairing composite parts.
Estimated completion time (hours): 1.2
By the end of this course, you will be able to do the following:
- Define a tap inspection
- List requirements of a tap inspection
- Describe the process of performing a tap inspection
- Use the correct technique to tap composite parts
- Identify different devices used in tap inspections